Thursday, February 23, 2012

black is the new pink, skull is the new barbie

i just love everything about skull

i found Ajeng in her great place in share. i love her tumblr latest update. and still waiting for her blog update.
i miss you in the air cantiks (sekar, ajeng, titis, putri, cha)
i miss you in the air flash family
i miss you in the air beto 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

FUNlentine Day (learning english edition)

Happy Valentine Day anyone in France (till 5 minutes later)
Coz in Indonesia, Val's Day passed 6 hours ago :p

Valentine Day, which is people think that the day for showing their love to someone (or some people) they loved.
But for me as a single, it's still be a Funlentine Day. Specially when i give all my love to my self.
It because i treat my self well (so much well) with giving pleasure to shopping today..
And thank you so so soooo much to my partner in crime Dayu Ajeng Anggrahita. :D

later, i'll post some photos of our Hedonism lifestyle for a day :p

Have a great day fellas :D

p.s. i love kak Diana Rikasari's quotes about love :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Future in My Hand

apa yang perlu kutakutkan
jika masa depan aku yang menentukan
apa yang perlu kuragukan
jika selalu ada harapan & keberuntungan

yang perlu diwaspadai adalah si setan malas di dalam diri
yang perlu diawasi adalah segala sikap cepat berpuas hati

tak ada yang perlu ditakutkan
karena takutku hanya pada Tuhan

Cheap Monday for Everyday

I ♥ the Skull

Became a fans of this line clothing since i was 21 yo. 
I've bought a rebelious jeans from Cheap Monday

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Vas Hapennin' guys?

Rasanya indah banget ini postingan karna diawali dengan pemandangan Zayn Malik, a part of One Direction. Yayy.. it's too much, isn't it? :p

Alright,, pastinya postingan ini juga bakal cerita tentang beberapa moment lalu yang terlewatkan gitu aja tanpa ada new post.. hehe..

First, i've got my 21 age on 7th of February. :) 
banyak ucapan mengalir di sosmed pastinya. Dari yang mungkin tau karna ada birthday reminder, sampe yang niat banget ngucapin ke semua sosmed ku plus sms langsung. Yep! mereka pasti orang-orang terdekat. Poorly, salah satu ucapan yang aku tunggu dari seseorang, gak juga dateng. so, we're gonna skip it, ryt? :)
But, many gud things replaced it.  Mulai dari dapet surprise dari anak-anak cheers ku tersayang (Happy Girls Cheerleaders

They are the Girls that so Happy :)

And.. here is the gift :)

A pair of Charles & Keith studded
from Mbak Nina

Printed Legging
from Acha my soulmate :D

Shocking Print! >.<

Anyway, sampai hari ini, ucapan ultah masih aja mengalir. Cuman ya gak sederes hari pertama kedua. heheh. Aku makasih banget karena cukup banyak temen-temen yang niat ngucapin lewat sms langsung. I do appreciate them all with replaying one by one :) tapi maaf banget buat yang replay nya telat. :)

dan akhirnya berakhir di hari ini, dimana aku latihan bareng Happy Girls Cheerleaders yang cukup ada progress. Tapi masih belom mateng kalo buat PPI besok, it's 3days to go :(

And for the rest of the day...
i've got influenza and lil bit fever i guess..
so, am gonna closed this post with a good night kiss...

xxx -eby

Friday, February 3, 2012

Only one direction to One Direction's ♥

i love One Direction damn much!!

Dan senengnya lagi, browsing malem-malem gini gak sia-sia karna aku nemu banyak banget wadah buat directioners dari Indonesia.. mulai dari yang udah lazim kayak account fb page n twitterblog, youtube account sampe tumblr-nya juga ada. but i'm not sure about deviantart account-nya ya, mgkin kudu nyari2 banget :p

and.. finally i got this lovely pic

one thing as the last thing for this post...
i loved being a Scaper coz they have One Direction on their toolbar menu. :D